
7 Reasons Why Email Marketing is the Ultimate Solution for B2B Business

You may use social media platforms for your B2B business, and that’s great if your business needs it.

However, you can’t neglect email marketing because social media marketing rarely ranks above email marketing in B2B business.

Here are some of the reasons why email marketing is still the first choice for a B2B business.

1. Personalized form of communication

Communicating in a personalized way will help you establish trust between you and your customer.

By tailoring your email message to the profile of your prospects, you increase the chances of closing deals.

2.    Customer Preference

If you are in the B2C sector and connect with your potential customers using the private messaging feature of social networks, you may be successful.

However, in B2B companies, people prefer GSuite, Outlook, etc., to social networks for 1-to-1 conversations.

The reason for this choice is that the customer only receives emails if they have subscribed to the product or service.

Also, if the customer does not unsubscribe, it means they are still interested in your brand, including promotions and updates.

On the other hand, forwarding discounts and offers to people on social networks randomly may seem spammy….

…since you don’t know if the customer is interested in your product and service.

In short, marketing messages receive less attention in social networks than in email and fail to establish a personal connection.

3. Showcase your expertise

As a B2B business owner, you need to showcase your expertise in a particular niche to get new customers. Many people think that email marketing is only used for promotional messages, but that is absolutely not true.

While positioning yourself as an expert, you need to deploy valuable content through email marketing on a regular basis.

Once people know that you deliver quality content on a regular basis, your subscribers will be happy to receive emails in the future.

4.    Increase sales and conversion rates.

With email, you can add value for customers and offer them special discounts as well. Although email marketing is a marketing strategy and tool, it can help you increase sales.

Even top marketers admit that revenue increases up to 760% with segmented email campaigns.

5.    Easy to measure

Efficient utilization of marketing efforts is crucial for any B2B business, you need to measure various metrics.

In email marketing, you can track campaigns based on:

– Open rate – The percentage of subscribers who open your email out of the total number of subscribers.

– Delivery rate – The percentage of the number of emails delivered divided by the number of sends.

6.    Cost-effective

Email marketing is usually more affordable than other marketing channels, such as print media, direct mail, etc.

Unlike video marketing, you don’t need to organize photo shoots, but can create a compelling email in a day.

For B2B companies, time and money are the most common constraints, and sometimes there is no way around them.

But that’s not the case with email marketing.

The best part?

You can send emails to thousands of potential customers directly to their inboxes without having to pay anything to get email addresses.

Plus, you can send emails to a segmented list based on demographics, geography, interests and behaviors. Your cost per result will be minimal and therefore you can increase your email marketing budget.

7.    High return on marketing investment

Whether you are a big brand or a startup with a small budget, email marketing always has a high ROI.

Although the ROI will vary from business to business, you can make the most out of marketing by growing sustainably.

Using advanced email marketing software, you can perform A/B testing to boost your campaigns.

For example, send two identical emails with different subject lines and calculate the open rate of both emails.


There are countless reasons to use email marketing for B2B companies.

Along with email marketing, you need to develop an impactful strategy to convert your leads into customers.

Unlike B2C customers, who make decisions based on emotions, you need to show how you can increase the business of your B2B customers.

By being cost-effective and delivering exceptional results, email marketing can help you grow your business, position yourself as an expert and much more.

The question is: How do you get the email addresses of the decision makers of those companies you want to contact?

Atlas Data Services helps you with that, maximize your sales growth by reaching all key decision makers, feel free to contact us so we can help you with your needs.

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7 Reasons Why A Professional Email Address Is Important

Today’s customers are inundated with emails and are selective about what they open. It’s vitally important to make the best impression with your prospects.

With that in mind, here are 10 reasons why you should use your domain name ( as a professional email address.

Impression is key

If you’re trying to build a professional brand for your business, first impressions are important. Email is one of the most common forms of communication with your potential customers. A professional email address creates a sense of trust, especially if it comes from a credible website. This will increase your company’s potential to attract new customers.


By being part of an organization, you carry its name wherever you are, even virtually. A branded email is no different than word-of-mouth marketing. You talk directly to a customer, you just do it on the web. If that happens often, and you don’t have your own address, then they won’t easily remember your product brand.


Associating your company name with your professional email address adds a touch of interest to potential customers.
Imagine receiving an email from instead of Chances are they will either not open it or ignore it.
Your professional email address can be an easy recognition of your company. Customers will also begin to remember your company name, which builds brand awareness and trust.


You can create specific email addresses that channel messages to people in different departments of your company (e.g. admin@ or info@). This will increase your potential to respond quickly to inquiries. It’s also easy to maintain email address continuity if someone leaves or takes a vacation, since the alias can easily be changed to a new person and the customer doesn’t have to know about it.


Having your own personalized business email address puts you in control and organizes your system. Through this process, you can easily create email addresses for new employees in your company and it gives you the convenience of controlling the inactive ones.

Organize e-mail by department

It is common for large companies to do this so that potential customers can ask questions directly to the person or department responsible. It also avoids the hassle of forwarding messages frequently.

Team members are recognized

Often, the CEO’s email addresses are the most recognized contacts on the list. However, the CEO or simply the owner of the company is not always there to respond to your messages. That’s why it’s important for your team members to have their own contact information. Potential customers can easily know that a particular person works for your company. They are introduced to the team and their expertise in their specific roles. And you gain more trust from them.

Having trouble creating a personalized professional email address for your company?

Feel free to contact us so we can help you with your needs.

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